Michelle G.
1 min readAug 28, 2023

Change Your Circle, Change your thoughts can profoundly impact the people you surround yourself with. Our thoughts shape our beliefs and perceptions, attracting like-minded individuals into our lives. We naturally gravitate towards those with similar mindsets when we cultivate positive and empowering reviews. This shift in thinking allows us to build a supportive network of friends and acquaintances who uplift and inspire us.

Conversely, dwelling on negative thoughts can unknowingly create a cycle of negativity that attracts toxic or unsupportive individuals. It’s essential to be mindful of the types of ideas we entertain because they directly influence the energy we emit out into the world. By consciously choosing to think positively, we invite happier, more optimistic people into our lives who motivate and encourage us.

While changing your thoughts is powerful alone, it becomes even more transformative when coupled with a conscious effort to surround yourself with positive influences. Surrounding ourselves with people who embody qualities we aspire to develop helps us grow and expand. These uplifting connections serve as reminders of what is possible and provide valuable guidance during times of uncertainty or self-doubt. We create an environment that fosters personal growth and success by curating a circle filled with like-minded individuals who support our goals and dreams.