Michelle G.
3 min readSep 1, 2021

How to Respond to Negative Comments on Social Media?

Social media has turned into a big platform. It provides opportunities for people to indulge with each other, learn new things, and connect with new people; it also has a downside. You may be among those people who love to share their life with others through social media. You might have several friends, and social media can be a perfect opportunity for you to stay connected to them, but it’s not as easy as it seems. Most of the time, people are subjected to harmful and hateful comments on social media. It is quite natural if you ask me. It is like how things were in high school. Someone will always dislike what you wear, how you look, or what you do and will pass a comment.

But the question is, how should you respond to these negative comments? Especially on social media? Let’s face it; you can’t make everyone happy; you will not get sweet words. It’s a bitter truth. So, the best way is to ignore these comments. However, ignorance might not be the best possible solution in a specific situation. Sometimes, it means you are faulty or have backed out or taken the hater’s comments seriously. Sometimes keeping your cool gives them more courage to get back at you again. So, to avoid such a situation in the future, it is better to act.

The best thing about social media is that you can choose to remove a negative comment. However, choosing to remove a word can have its perks. You can skip the part and move to a happy thread. But, sometimes, it’s better to leave the comment where it is and let your loved ones defend you. It is like sweet revenge, watching all your friends and family bashing the one with negative or hateful comments.

Negative comments also have several types. Some are sarcastic, while others are mean. You can respond to specific comments by keeping your cool and giving it a funny direction. However, some words require you to stand up for yourself. Especially when you have some people who look up to you, like your younger siblings or children, it is essential to teach them the importance of self-protection. And what is the best way to show them how it is done through your example? Some people really need a shut-up call to keep their negativity to themselves.

The bitter reality is that people forget that the other person is actually a human being. Social media messes up people’s minds so that they forget the other person has feelings. However, it all depends upon the situation. Sometimes, people get negative comments because they have actually done something wrong or posted a hateful thing. It is better to think if you have offended someone in such a case. And if you are at fault, it is better to apologize and move on.

Social media is such a powerful platform. It can transform lives, but it can also steal your peace of mind. So, if you are searching for some advice on dealing with negative comments on social media, you can get a few excellent pieces of advice on Fitnesshacksforlife and if you wish, join our chat at: fitnesshacksforlife.org/chat

The site has some really excellent tips and provides a profound understanding of different situations.